Shamini Jain, PhD

Press Kit


Media Bio

Dr. Shamini Jain is a clinical psychologist, scientist, and social profit leader. She is the Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a collaborative accelerator that forwards the science and practice of healing. She also serves as an adjunct professor at UC San Diego’s Department of Family Medicine, where she is an active member of UCSD’s Centers for Integrative Health. Her two-time award-winning book with Sounds True Publications, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health is available from booksellers world-wide.  

Dr. Jain obtained her B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior from Columbia University, and her Ph.D. from the San Diego State University/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, with a research focus in psychoneuroimmunology. She conducted her post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Research. Her award-winning research in psychoneuroimmunology and biofield science, along with her wellness teaching, has been featured in major media including TIME, CNN, GAIA and Good Day LA, as well as with two TEDx talks on healing and a half dozen documentaries.

Dr. Jain  is an international keynote speaker and self-healing teacher. She integrates her background in clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, Eastern spiritual wisdom, and vocal empowerment to teach others how they can best heal themselves and live joyful, fulfilling lives. She teaches the science and practice of healing regularly at major conferences, corporations, and leading retreat centers, including Esalen, Sivananda Ashram and Omega Institute. Her online courses can be found at CHI, Shift Network and Humanity’s Team.  

Dr. Jain is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and serves on the board of Safe Harbor, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering healthy relationships, and providing pathways to healing for those who have experienced domestic abuse. When she is not sharing her joy and passion for healing empowerment, she enjoys surfing, singing and spending time with her wonderful family.

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Gifts, Links and Resources!

Free Gifts

Get a free Grounding with Sound meditation with Dr. Jain, as well as a video dialogue with dear friend and luminary teacher Dr. Bruce Lipton, on the science and practice of being a Conscious Creator.

Webinars on Healing

Join Dr. Jain with her nonprofit, Consciousness and Healing Initiative, for monthly free Friday online dialogues with leading lights on healing, including notable thought leaders, healing practitioners, and scientists. Join live with the opportunity to ask questions at the end, or register and access the free replay all weekend!

Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health

Get free bonus meditations and conversations with healing leaders, including Deepak Chopra, Donna Eden, Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden, with your purchase of Dr. Jain's award-winning, bestselling book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health with Sounds True Publications.

The Energy That Heals Documentary

Learn about the groundbreaking film on energetic and spiritual healing and its role in whole-person health, in this all-star film sponsored by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative and Three One Creative Productions.

TEDx Berkeley 2022

“We’re Wired to Heal Each Other: The Science of Interconnection”

Energizing Whole Person Health Course

Learn about the latest evidence behind mind-body-spirit, placebo, and energy healing practices in the Energizing Whole Person Health online course. Get self-healing practices from leading scientists, healers and teachers in the field, including Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Donna Eden, Cyndi Dale, Sue Morter, Ervin Lazlo, Mimi Guarneri and many more! CE Credits available.



Shamini Jain singing with Bank
Shamini Jain singing with Bank
Shamini Jain singing with Bank


Swan-like yin yang S with shamini jain, and science, spirit, healing tagline under.
CHI Logo
Healing Ourselves Book Cover

Healing Ourselves

Biofield Science and the Future of Health

In Healing Ourselves, Dr. Jain presents a new vision of health care that represents the marriage of cutting-edge science with spiritual wisdom, including:

  • Biofield science―exploring evidence for the missing link between consciousness and healing

  • The future of medicine―how the next scientific evolution will unfold

  • Beginning your own health revolution―guidance for harnessing the placebo effect, holistic self-care, evidence-based spiritual practices, and much more

Today more than ever, we realize that we must change the way we think about health care―and our ability to heal ourselves. “The good news is there is a way forward,” teaches Dr. Jain.  “The flame that lights the path burns brighter than the darkness of ignorance and suffering we have found ourselves in.” With Healing Ourselves, this inspiring teacher shares a whole, integrated model of health that we have known in our hearts, all along, to be true.

Energizing Whole Person Health

The Definitive Course on the Science of Healing

Expand your knowledge and practice of healing with the world’s most renowned scientists, medical doctors and biofield healing practitioners in this 8-week immersion course.

Energizing Whole Person Health Course

Talk at TEDx Berkeley

We’re Wired to Heal Each Other: The Science of Interconnection

What does science actually say about the power of our healing connection? In this invited talk for TEDx Berkeley in April 2022, scientist, psychologist, and CHI Founder and CEO Dr. Shamini Jain takes us through a journey of healing interconnection, exploring what we know from neuroscience as well as the leading edge area of biofield science – and how we can heal physically, emotionally, energetically and socially.