Science -Based Talks

Dr. Shamini Jain has shared her expertise in the interconnectedness of science and spirituality at numerous conferences, webinars and summits. She frequently presents her findings in biofield healing and how we can use it to lead more fulfilling lives.

Book Shamini to speak

The Latest

TEDx Talk

What does science actually say about the power of our healing connection? In this invited talk for TEDx Berkeley in April 2022, scientist, psychologist, and CHI Founder and CEO Dr. Shamini Jain takes us through a journey of healing interconnection, exploring what we know from neuroscience as well as the leading edge area of biofield science – and how we can heal physically, emotionally, energetically and socially.


Essential Episodes

Open Minds with Regina

Psychosomatic Spiritual

Sages and Scientists

“Biofield Science and

Curious Minds with Deepak

“What is Healing?”


Conferences & Public Talks

UCSD Integrative
Oncology Conference

“Biofield Therapies in
Cancer Care”

Sages and Scientists

“Biofield Science and


“What is Healing?”


Virtual Discussions

Universal Consciousness

"The Field of Subtle Energy, Biofield Healing and Consciousness and much more"

Esalen Live

"Healing with the Power of Your Voice"

Healing Matrix with Sue Morter

"Energy Healing Meets Modern Medicine"


Interviews with Luminaries


All Science-based Talks

Global Oneness Summit

"Self Empowerment & Cellular Consciousness"

Esalen Live

"Healing with the Power of Your Voice"

Universal Consciousness

"The Field of Subtle Energy, Biofield Healing and Consciousness and much more"

Healing Matrix with Sue Morter

"Energy Healing Meets Modern Medicine"

Curious Minds with Deepak Chopra

“What is Healing?”

Open Minds with Regina

"Psychosomatic Spiritual Healing"

Sages and Scientists

“Biofield Science and

Institute of Noetic Sciences

"The Future of Meditation Research"

Sages and Scientists Conference

"Placebo = HEAL: Reframing Placebo in Science and Healthcare"


“What Is Healing?”

UCSD Integrative
Oncology Conference

“Biofield Therapies in
Cancer Care”

Institute of Noetic Sciences

“Biofield Therapy and Energy Healing”

Sign up and receive these free gifts to augment your healing:

A "Grounding with Sound" practice and the "Being a Conscious Creator in a World of Change" video dialogue with Dr. Bruce Lipton.

I'll also let you know when my next course on healing is available for enrollment.

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