March 5, 2021

Darkness, Light and Healing: Scientific and Spiritual Insights

Recently, I and my dear friend and colleague Dr. Paul Mills had the privilege of diving into deep discussions with scientific and spiritual luminary teachers for our upcoming Science of Healing Summit.

Darkness, Light and Healing: Scientific and Spiritual Insights

Dear Friends,

It’s likely no surprise to you that a key word being shared in the mainstream community for 2021 is “healing.” For most, the word “healing” reflects a sense of hope and possibility. For others, the word “healing” and its recent companion buzzword “unity" might feel like spiritual bypass, during a time when words such as justice, restorative practice, or even forgiveness, may feel more appropriate. What exactly do we mean by healing?

Recently, I and my dear friend and colleague Dr. Paul Mills had the privilege of diving into deep discussions with scientific and spiritual luminary teachers for our upcoming Science of Healing Summit (which is free and will begin March 15th – we hope you will join us)!

During these talks with longstanding evolutionary thinkers including Deepak Chopra, Jude Currivan, Alberto Villoldo, Sue Morter, Bruce Lipton, Cyndi Dale, Gregg Braden, Mimi Guarneri, Rollin McCraty, Cassandra Vieten, Rupert Sheldrake, Eileen McKusick and more, we had the opportunity to ask them what they thought healing really meant – and what their scientific explorations have taught us about how we heal individually and collectively.

The responses, as you can imagine, are extraordinary, inspiring, and critical to helping us realize our healing potential in these times.

Wise words from Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton help us realize how recent science is pointing to the changing story of our evolutionary potential – and what we must do to prevent a sixth mass extinction. Scientific explorations with Drs. Maya Shetreat, Joe Tafur, David Muehsam, Stephon Alexander, Jeralyn Glass and more help us realize the power of our interconnectedness, whether through psychedelic and microbiome research, the ancient and modern science of sound, or the science and practice of biofield healing. And throughout the summit, it seemed - we explored the relationship of healing with our relationship with darkness, and with light.

For me, a resonant theme throughout these talks was the subconscious – that is, areas of our consciousness of which we are largely unaware.  These “dark” or hidden areas of our minds, emotions and biofields might carry ours, or others, conditioned thoughts and emotions, but we may not even be cognizant of their effects.   How do we work with the hidden parts of our consciousness, to up-level our personal and collective healing?

Many of our teachers provided practical wisdom and tools on this topic. The subconscious, whether our own or others’, might feel feel like “darkness” that we need to bring light to  - but it is far from evil. Rev. Tiffany Barsotti explains how we can explore paths of Personal Self-Integration to understand and integrate parts of our subconscious selves, to live a life with joy and grace. Wendie Colter invites us to explore our subconscious to gain insight on our health through medical intuition. Cyndi Dale helps us explore the nature of our subconscious and “extra”-consciousness through our relationship with our chakras. She also shares lessons from her own journey though a “dark night of the soul”, after having clear guidance given to her during an extraordinary spiritual experience. Dr. Judith Orloff and Drayvon James provide practical steps toward feeling everyday peace, fostering interpersonal harmony and reducing overwhelm, especially for those who feel sensitive to their surroundings and other people’s energy.

Of course, darkness can also relate to what Jung called the “collective unconscious” – a world of archetypal energies and forms that we can connect with for healing. As we traverse the path of darkness, light and healing and explore these realms, Dr. Alberto Villoldo brilliantly explains how what we see as darkness is deeply related to the Divine Feminine and Kundalini energy – and how the time has come to connect with this deeper darkness to help bring healing fully into the light – for ourselves and for our planet. And in his true inimitable style, Dr. Deepak Chopra takes us on a journey to what some might call the ultimate darkness – consciousness which exists beyond time and space – that is our true, unencumbered self, where instantaneous healing can occur.

To say this confluence of spiritual and scientific insights was extraordinary is an understatement. You simply have to experience this wisdom and gain the practices for yourself. I know you will enjoy the journey as much as Paul and I did. We are grateful to the Shift Network who fostered this partnership with our nonprofit CHI, to bring you this unforgettable event. Enjoy - and see you soon!

With love,

Dr. Shamini Jain

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