December 10, 2019

The Healing Promise of Reuniting Science & Spirituality

I had the honor of hosting luminary presenters for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit, which wrapped up on August 9, I realized how powerful this reunification is to help us both individually and collectively awaken to our personal and societal power to create the world we wish to see.


As I had the honor of hosting luminary presenters for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit, which wrapped up on August 9, I realized how powerful this reunification is to help us both individually and collectively awaken to our personal and societal power to create the world we wish to see.

Current life events may suggest to us that the pathway toward collective human awakening is being facilitated by the experience of mass human and planetary crisis. As we suffer from the violence caused to each other and to the Earth through systems that have been hijacked to perpetuate ignorance and greed, we also open to the possibilities of another way of being — a way that is aligned with the true knowledge of who we are, how we can unite as a global family, and how we can best serve each other and the Earth in current times of trauma and crisis. LEARN MORE


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