August 1, 2022

We’re Wired to Heal Each Other: The Science of Interconnection Talk at TEDx Berkeley by Dr. Shamini Jain

Dr. Shamini Jain takes us through a journey of healing interconnection, exploring what we know from neuroscience as well as the leading edge area of biofield science in her TEDxBerkeley talk.

What does science actually say about the power of our healing connection? In this invited talk for TEDx Berkeley in April 2022, scientist, psychologist, and CHI Founder and CEO Dr. Shamini Jain takes us through a journey of healing interconnection, exploring what we know from neuroscience as well as the leading edge area of biofield science – and how we can heal physically, emotionally, energetically and socially.

Note: Despite this talk’s strong evidence base, TED has flagged this talk, citing that it is based on Dr. Jain’s “personal research approach.” This was after Dr. Jain was admonished not to use the words “reiki” or “chi” because TED forbade it. Dr. Jain provided a list of scientific references to TED for content referred to in her talk, which include 29 peer-reviewed, published scientific references (only 3 of these were Dr. Jain’s studies). After receiving this list, TED did not contact Dr. Jain stating any concerns that led them to flag the talk.

You can access the reference list here.

TED also deleted over 100 comments from their YouTube channel about Dr. Jain’s talk. The comments were from community leaders and healthcare providers, as well as patients, noting the evidence base behind biofield science and Dr. Jain’s talk.

Dr. Jain has reached out to TED in the hopes of facilitating constructive dialogue surrounding their decision to flag this and similar evidence-based talks without notifying speakers or providing opportunities to address concerns. Dr. Jain’s hope is to have an amicable and productive dialogue that would result in a needed update of their current curatorial guidelines (published 10 years ago) to be evidence-based and non-patronizing to indigenous and integrative medicine approaches.

Watch the video, feel free to share a comment, and if you feel inspired by it, please share the talk!


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